More Kiwi Slang U.S. Meaniing Used in a sentence
Stink One : An expression of disappointment
Come Right / Be Right: It will be OK. It's not a problem - "Bro. Oh stink one.
Your leg is totally buggered but no worries. Dr. Jay
will make it come right"
Skint: Broke, No Money - "But dude, I'm totally skint and I can't afford
Dr, Jay's outrageous but totally justified bill."
Skull: To drink an entire beverage in one gulp without a breath - "Bro. Maybe if
you skull this bottle of Tequila your
buggerd leg will come right."
Squizz: To have a look
Twink: White Out - "Bob. I had a squizz at your pictures and you need to have
emergency surgery on that leg. It'll cost $25,000 US"
"But Doc, I'm totally skint. I can't afford it."
"Ok. Hand me that twink and for 50 bucks I'll touch
up your X-rays."
Sprog: Small Child -
Torch: Flashlight - "Honey, It's after midnight and the sprogs are lost in the
swamp again. Where's the torch?"
Tog: Swimsuit - There should be a committee of frat boys to decide who
gets to wear thong togs at the beach.
Wobbly: Temper Tantrum - "When I told Mr. Witherbee that it was time
for another colonoscopy he spit the dummy
and had a major wobbly right here in the office,"