Monday, December 3, 2018

I am off to see the latest Harry Potter prequel movie which is so much cooler down here since down here everybody talks like they belong at Hogwarts. But I do love the local theater. It's less than a mile from my house and you can get  beer AND popcorn even in the cheap seats  What a country.  And all that smack bad mouthen' running down and generally harshen the gigs on the Kiwis  I wrote last time for not having Thanks Giving and football? I take it all back - except maybe the football part.  I mean come on.   Have you ever watched a whole soccer game? A while back I tried to get into it and watched a couple of  games but then gave up and haven't been watching for a few months.  I heard I missed out on seeing 3 goals. Anyway, apparently every district in NZ gets an official holiday all its own.  Kind of like Alabama deciding on its own to give everybody in the state a random holiday to celebrate pentasexual liberation day. And today was the day for the West Coast district which is where I live so I had an unexpected day off.  It's like found money.  I was as blissfully euphoric as a 7 year old boy on the first day of summer vacation.  I thought about going out and looking for gold in the Moonlight River where I am told the only problem is that you might break your back schlepping out the giant nugget  you would inevitably find but my legs where still a little trashed from bush hiking and mountain climbing all day yesterday so I decided to put off becoming obscenely wealthy for another week.  Instead I did the wash and planted flowers.  Actually maybe I wont have to find any gold after all.  I just read that our dear president tweeted that he worked out a deal with Chinese to eliminate import duties on imported cars.  I predict the stock market is going to go up side nuts tomorrow.......tomorrow down here but today there?????
And to the Donster I  say:  "Please tweet us with respect."
And to all my  Canadian followers, if any: " Keep your stick on the ice."